Holistic Life Coaching

Your Path to Wellness and Success

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What is a Life Coach?

A life coach helps you in different areas of your life, from personal to professional, supporting you as you navigate on your unique journey. Together with your coach, you will discover your purpose, passions and values and create an action plan towards achieving your goals. The aim is to help you reach your potential, through identifying your strengths and weaknesses, overcoming limiting beliefs and removing obstacles in order to create the life you deserve, full of fulfillment and happiness.

Sessions can cover topics ranging from relationships, career, personal development, nutrition, spiritual growth, grief, divorce, sickness, life challenges, amongst others.

Through her own personal and work experience, Shirley specializes in relationship trauma/ breakup, divorce recovery/narcissistic abuse, pregnancy/birth trauma, spiritual awakening and healing.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You are easily triggered by your past and by what happened to you and you are finally ready to move forward
  • You feel stuck and alone, struggling to find someone to talk to openly and without judgment
  • Your past negatively affects you and those around you
  • You are frustrated and tired of carrying painful emotions
  • You feel unfulfilled and disconnected from your present life
  • You attract negative people, events and situations, repeating negative patterns
  • You feel like nobody understands what you’re going through
  • You have low self-esteem, low confidence and low motivation levels
  • You want to advance on your journey but not sure how to

Imagine if this was your life today

  • You are emotionally free and independent from your past - from emotional prison to emotional freedom
  • You attract loving and positive relationships, events and situations that are in alignment to your core values and passions
  • You have increased self-confidence and self-esteem, higher levels of motivation to reach your goals
  • You have improved connections with yourself and others
  • You enjoy the present moment and experience profound gratitude
  • You feel empowered and have a newfound clarity for what you want in life
  • You have increased compassion, loving-kindness and empathy for yourself and others
  • You have increased levels of self-awareness and intuition that will guide you from now on
  • You are better able to deal with current challenges without strong reactions
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3 sessions

For those wanting short-term or focused support. Whether you're going through an emotionally intense time right now or whether you want to see what coaching is like before you invest for the long-term, then this is the program for you.

9 Sessions

For those ready to invest in themselves and start the work towards their transformation and healing. These 9 x 60-mins sessions will allow you to dive deep, explore and define your goals and set you off on your journey of change.

24 Sessions

These 24 x 60-mins sessions are for those wanting long-term support with a high chance of experiencing a transformation during this time. Perfect for those who need someone to check-in often and guide them along their healing journey. 

How does Coaching and Spinal Energetics complement each other?

  • Holistic Approach: Life coaching focuses on personal development and achieving goals, while spinal energetics addresses the energetic flow within the body, particularly along the spine, releasing blockages, trauma, stress and tension. We will work on your overall mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, energy layers. Combining these two approaches provides a more holistic perspective, addressing both physical and mental aspects of well-being.


  • Alignment of Body and Mind: Spinal energetics aims to balance the body's energy centers, promoting physical health and emotional harmony. Life coaching can help individuals identify and work towards their goals, but if there are blockages or imbalances in the body's energy system, it can hinder progress. Addressing these imbalances through spinal energetics can enhance the effectiveness of life coaching by ensuring alignment between body and mind.


  • Stress Reduction: Both life coaching and spinal energetics can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Life coaching techniques such as mindfulness and goal-setting can complement the relaxation and stress-reduction benefits of spinal energetics, creating a more comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

  • Improved Focus and Clarity: Spinal energetics can enhance mental clarity and focus by removing energetic blockages that may be causing distractions or hindering cognitive function. When combined with life coaching techniques aimed at improving focus and clarity, such as visualization exercises or cognitive reframing, individuals may experience heightened mental clarity and better decision-making abilities.


  • Enhanced Self-awareness: Life coaching often involves self-reflection and self-awareness exercises to help individuals gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Spinal energetics can deepen this process by bringing awareness to the body's energy flow and how it relates to emotional and mental states. By integrating these two approaches, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their needs.

  • Overall, combining life coaching and spinal energetics offers a synergistic approach to personal growth and well-being, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of the individual. 

  • Sessions are tailor made to each individual and you will receive exclusive and full access to Shirley
  • Together you will work towards a goal you would like to achieve with your coach supporting you the way you want her to, where she will lovingly guide and bring out your maximum potential and help expand your consciousness at the same time.
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Your Energy Exchange

Focused support

$268 SGD

3 Private Sessions

  • 3 x 45-min private call on zoom or in-person
  • Free 30 mins introductory call before our first session
  • Whatsapp/Voxer support (voice/text)
  • Email support
  • Resources and materials


$1980 SGD

20 Private Coaching x Spinal Energetics sessions

  • 10 x 60-min private coaching calls via zoom or in-person
  • 10 x 45 mins private spinal energetics sessions via zoom or in-person
  • Free 30 mins introductory call before our first session
  • Whatsapp/Voxer support  (voice/text)
  • Email support
  • Resources and materials including a pdf workbook

Can't pay in full?

3 Sessions - Multiple Payment

If you are unable to pay in full and would like to make multiple payments (4 x monthly), click here instead.

4 x $128.50

3 sessions

If you are unable to pay in full and would like to make multiple payments (3 x monthly), click here instead.

3 x $89.33

Life Coaching x Spinal Energetics

If you are unable to pay in full and would like to make multiple payments ( 3 x monthly), click here instead.

3 x $660

"A godsend to me as I was needing an avenue to heal my heart"

Shirley is just a godsend to me as I was needing an avenue to heal my heart from past relationship traumas but was not quite sure where to go. When I stumbled upon her post on IG, I knew it was for me. Dealing with divorce trauma can be taxing and can be a taboo subject. Shirley provided a safe space and an intimate setting which made my experience a pleasant one. She helped me have a better understanding of how to deal with my feelings and acknowledge that healing takes time. I have to be kind to myself and knowing that there are others who are in a similar situation as mine, made me feel connected yet at the same time inspire to support others. Shirley is patient, kind and made me feel very comfortable sharing my past experiences. I know she came from a place of love and I would definitely recommend her sessions.
- Indra Dilaila

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